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      Over all, I liked the site. While the format was more up my alley (respect wise) than or I found the scenes to be relaxed and fun, but I did miss the cream pies... There were some sprinkled in though, along with some anal, but nowhere near the same volume of them. Most scenes were facials with an occasional toy involved. Based on IAFD, there were quite a few "known" girls, but there were certainly a lot that weren't known. For me, this was the best of the "group" of sites, and would be the main reason to get access to this network.
Scene 1 screenshot for Scene 2 screenshot for Scene 3 screenshot for Scene 4 screenshot for Scene 5 screenshot for Scene 6 screenshot for Scene 7 screenshot for Scene 8 screenshot for Scene 9 screenshot for Scene 10 screenshot for Scene 11 screenshot for Scene 12 screenshot for
      When I reviewed, I was also granted access to this site.

When you get into the site the scenes are listed from the newest to the oldest, and there were additional ways to get to the scenes. For example there was an area for "popular" scenes, an area for the girls (alphabetically), an area for scenes you mark as favorites, and a pretty robust search. This allowed you to get to specific scenes that featured certain things "Anal Sex", "Deep Throat, Gagging", "Glasses", "Roadhead" and "Cum Swallowing" - but a LOT more. There were over 45 keywords to search on! You could also search for member ratings, like 6 and up or 9 and up, along with a few ways to sort the results.

The newer (the last 220+) videos were mostly in HD (MP4), but the rest were offered up in SD with a mix of WMV/MPG/MP4 formats. Clicking on a scene/movie's link would then take you to watch/download the video, but if the girl had more than one video, it took you to her video page, which had all her scenes... This caused confusion for me. Anyway, each scene had an about section, describing the scene, some were short some were long, some were interesting and kind of funny, others, not so much. Additionally, there were some "stats", along with some tags and key words for the scene. Each scene also had the ability to be rated by the user as well. Some of the videos had screenshots/screen caps; some didn't, so was hit or miss. Most important though, each scene was streamable or downloadable.

Quality of the scenes
Exclusive content
Download speeds

Long bouts between updates
Not a lot of content - some of the updates were the same scene just filmed in a different way (one POV, one not POV)
Most didn't have BTS footage, and the format of the movies seemed ripe for it
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