Jane Doe: A Ricky Greenwood Spotlight (PureTaboo.com / AdultTime.com)
(2025)Next, Ashley would go on to mount Tommy for cowgirl. from this position we would see Ashley grind on him slowly, to picking up the pace. After he strip down, and a little bit of repositioning, Tommy would take over fucking her pussy harder and faster, with the camera giving us a very nice view from behind. Especially in the beginning.
The next position would be Tommy taking Ashley from behind in doggy. It would be here from Tommy that we would see an alternating pace. Slow and steady, and fast and hard. There would even be a time that Ashley would throw her ass back onto the dick, prior to they going on to the next position - side fuck.
for this one, Tommy would position Ashley on her back, with her legs turned to the side, leaving her hole open for his taking. I liked a lot, the way that Tommy started things here. Really ramming his cock in balls deep before continuing with a steady pace that only gets faster over time. He would have a break to eat Ashley's pussy, and to also mount Ashley's torso to fuck her face. After, more side fuck is seen. This time with Ashley's back to the camera.
This would be followed up by some spooning between the two. It would be again that Tommy would keep his pacing as he go deep. He'd follow-up, by deeply fingering Ashley, also. She then returning the favor, by again sucking his dick.
All of this is then followed by reverse cowgirl. Here, Ashley grinds and bounces on Tommy hard. It lasting for a time, prior to she returning to sucking, and having her face fucked by Tommy.
Following this, Ashley once again rides Tommy in the cowgirl position. But this time, it is different. She planting her feet to slam down hard, causing Tommy to react in pure delight. Ashley continues to bounce, as well as remain stationary to allow Tommy to fuck her back, fast and hard. This would take things to missionary, where the scene would finally conclude.
It's here, that Tommy works up a nice pace, really hammering it in there - he getting especially deep, as Ashley would have her legs raised. It's also from here, that Tommy eventually increase his pace.eventually working himself up to cumming. The scene coming to an end with Tommy pulling out to shoot his load onto Ashley's mound to finish.
Gabriel continues on, next snapping photographs to further document the state of the body. He gets snaps of the young woman's torso, the point at which her stockings are ripped on the left leg, her bare left foot, as well as her small discolored hands. After, he would move on to removing the skirt. It's here that he would find that, although her body still shows no signs of violence, her stockings appear to be ripped even more. He then dictates that she is still wearing her underwear underneath said sheer garment. Gabriel would continue to take photos, and also continue to examine. He using his scissors to cut away at her stockings in a downward pattern. He soon reaching the woman's right foot, as he removes her shoe, and what is left of her stockings. With her legs now bare, Gabriel dictates that he finds no apparent bruising on her upper legs. However, upon checking her inner thighs, he finds differently. This, in the form of four small fingertip-sized bruises on each inner-thigh. This then has Gabriel checking her upper body, as well. Like her legs, there is no signs of violence. But after cutting away at her top, buttoned shirt, and also her dark under-shirt, he finds some small bruising, located underneath both of her breasts. Following this, Gabriel gets on the line with Detective Perez to report his findings. initially, Gabriel tells her that he has yet to find anything that would identify the subject. Saying that he could run dental and fingerprints on her, However, he would need more time to be able to do it deeply, he says. Perez seems to think that the bruising on the body could have come from a fall. Gabriel urges that otherwise occurred. He suggests that he could look for foreign fluid, and DNA via an SAK kit, if given more time. With this, Detective Perez is unrelenting. She wants it all done tonight, so that everything will be ready by tomorrow. Although it's a tough call for Gabriel, who is just rounding out his 12 hour shift, he gives in and agrees to have all of the information to her by 3pm the next day. He concludes the call with he attempting to congratulate Detective Perez on her upcoming baby. However, he's met with a cold shoulder, as she leaves him in "ended call limbo".
Gabriel then proceeds to examine even deeper using the SAK kit, checking for DNA. He meticulously checks for DNA under each of her 10 fingernails, He also swabbing her orally, as well as collecting a hair sample. It's during the latter, that time would seemingly get the better of Gabriel. This, as it would seem as though he is hearing things, as he hears "Jane Doe" reacting to his actions, saying that it "tickles" her. Surely, this is his mind playing tricks on him. It's his lack of sleep. Right?. It would appear so. However, just as Gabriel preps another cup of coffee, and just as he again ponders what her name could be out loud, It happens once more. Only this time, "Jane Doe" sits up from the table as she giggles, saying that he has already given her a name. "Jane Doe" of course. Gabriel is shook. He must get finished, and get home to rest. He nearing now an 18 to 19 hour shift. He finishes up and leaves a phone message for a co-worker named "Manny" to get the collected materials into the lab, immediately after he coming into work.
Gabriel returns home. But still, it's a cold and empty place for him. Photographic evidence, as well as a ring that is still on his left hand, tell of a much better, happier time. But as the night grows older, and Gabriel sits on his bed, he finds that he isn't quite as alone as he once thought. No. That's because, visiting him, is none other than "Jane Doe" herself. He finds himself in the mysterious young woman's cold embrace. She saying that she is cold and alone, asking Gabriel why he has left her there in the Coroner's office by herself? Her looming, dark presence remaining over him.
The next night, Gabriel is visited by Detective Perez in the office. She compliments him on his good work, saying that they are well on their way to identifying the mysterious young woman. They are also closer to finding a suspect in her death, as well. She also says that they have been in contact with a family member, and that he will be there in the morning to possibly identify her. In saying this, Perez also says that she needs someone to prepare the body for the occasion. That at this time, the only one qualified to do so, would be Gabriel himself. It is a subject that the two have argued about time and time again in the past, with Gabriel saying that it is not his job to do such. However, much to her surprise, Gabriel makes no fuss about it, and is in fact willing to do it for her, as well as the victim. We then would move on to Gabriel preparing the body, ahead of the family member coming into the office.
He begins the treatment by washing the body with hot water. It allowing him to wash away the mud and the dirt that had dried, and caked upon the skin, since the time that they had found her in the park. Gabriel then takes time to converse with her, as if she were still alive and breathing. He picks out a shade of red fingernail polish, and begins to paint her nails; one- by-one. It would be then that he confesses that he has never put this much effort into a body, in his 20 year career at the Coroner's office. He even says that she just so happens to be his first ever "Jane Doe". He admits that there is just something intriguing about her. Whether it be what happened to her, or simply his desire to know more about who she was before. Gabriel gets a little emotional too, as he goes on to say that it makes him so sad to know that there is probably someone waiting for her at home, unaware that she now would not be coming home to them. Or that, the same person, being unaware that they have looked into her beautiful eyes for the very last time, or also kissed her lips. All of that is now gone.
After Gabriel finishes up, we find him back at his place alone again. But not for long. This is because he is soon visited by the spirit of "Jane Doe". She is pretty much there and alive with him. Only this time, her presence is much different. Gabriel can see and feel her, as if she is really there. She once again asks him, why he has left her all alone in the cold Coroner's office? This time she does not wait for an answer, however. She says that it is ok, and that he can warm her up, right then and there. The two then engage in a round of passionate kissing. This, which then leads into a sexual scenario.
Today, I'm reviewing a PURE TABOO Director spotlight on Ricky Greenwood, from ADULT TIME. In this horror/thriller epic from the brand. Tommy Pistol portrays a medical examiner of 20 years experience named "Gabriel". Gabriel is someone who has worked his fingers to the bone, he often finding himself working long and stressful hours. However in this instance, Gabriel receives the type of subject that he has not quite seen just yet. Someone that demands that he takes his time with. That being a young unidentified woman found face down in the mud at the local park. Gabriel just cannot pinpoint it, something is truly special about this one. The story continues on with Gabriel eventually becoming somewhat obsessed with his new subject. However, subtle clues would suggest something more nefarious is occurring below the surface. The storyline is especially layered. Is Gabriel haIucinating, due to the long hours at work? Or is it that The object of his obsession truly speaks and appears to him??. Or might there be a third plot element going on? Does Gabriel actually have more to do with this case than he is revealing? Greenwood's JANE DOE, creates the possibility, and that's what I like about it.
If you ask me, I am one who subscribes to the idea that there is more to the story. While it is never said to us "out loud", it's obvious that Gabriel was previously in a relationship with Detective Veronica Perez, and it is a breakup that he has obviously taken very hard. Whenever the memories flare-up for Gabriel, we the viewer take note of it. Also, at the beginning of the story the guy who brings the body in, just so happens to be curious about a cut that Gabriel sports right between his eyes. It's a cut that he explains that he got while shaving. Again, his excuse is that he cut himself shaving. Now, we all know that this isn't true, because why on earth would you be shaving that high up on your face? There is just no way that the cut was achieved by one's own hand. It's obvious that he achieved said cut during some kind of violent altercation. Yes, what I am saying is that I believe that Gabriel is the one who killed our mysterious, unidentified woman. It could have happened during a blackout or something, to which he does not recall ever doing it. Therefore, he is honestly able to take the role of the honest medical examiner, without batting an eye. Mid-way through the scene, I had already come to this conclusion. However, I would find that I would not actually get the literal conclusion that I had hoped for. The ending here is left pretty much open-ended, for one's own interpretation. I somehow both enjoyed this choice, while on the other hand, felt that somehow I was left empty-handed. I don't know. I wanted to see Tommy Pistol go full-on "Norman Bates" with his Gabriel character in the end. Oh well.
As for the scene's direction, as well as the acting found within? It's all top-notch. Ricky Greenwood is a real filmmaker. Don't let the fact that his work, just happens to feature full-fledged sex scenes in it fool you. This guy wears his heart on his sleeve, most definitely. You essentially know what he is all about, via his work. He is a fan of a lot of things. This scene is a thriller that attempts to present as much information as it possibly can, for a scene lasting just under an hour in length. Believe it or not, Greenwood was able to pack a lot of story within that timeframe, a true mark of a filmmaker who takes the craft seriously. He definitely had me connecting the clues together to draw my own conclusion in the end. I left the film believing that I had it all figured out. But the question is - Did I truly? Who knows? That's really the fun of it all. And speaking of fun: for all the horror fans out there, I personally drew comparisons to the likes of Stuart Gordon's THE REANIMATOR, along with a little bit of William Lustig's MANIAC, as well.
As for the acting. Leading the way here is Tommy Pistol, showing us exactly why he is without a doubt, one of the best character actors working in porn today. If you have a character, it's very likely that Tommy can play them. I have seen him portray everybody from the X-rated version of Pee-wee Herman, to a hardened-biker type. So going into the film, I really had no doubt, as far as Tommy's ability goes. Here, he does it again. This time, as a tired and depressed medical examiner. A character named "Gabriel", who is just now coming off of a very serious relationship. So serious that he still wears his ring. that is until he finds something that opens him up a bit. The body labeled as "Jane Doe", which is at the forefront of our story. Tommy does so good with bringing the depressed and obsessed to life, that he truly creates a character that we sympathize with. Next with the portrayal of the deceased, is the beautiful Ashley Lane. Here, she doesn't say much. I would say that she does most of her talking here with her body alone. Her sexuality. Not to mention that she had the tough job of making it all the way through the scene in a little bit of corpse makeup. One would probably think that such a setup would also complicate the later sex scene between Tommy and Ashley. However, I would be surprised later that it would not in the least. In a major supporting role, we have Miss Casey Calvert as "Detective Veronica Perez". In this story, both she and Gabriel are on talking terms, as far as work goes. But as I said, we get that the two of them once shared a much closer relationship. You wonder about the details. However, the story itself lends very few words when it comes to this. Instead, leaving us to write our own story essentially. Casey Calvert was definitely a good, welcomed presence. She's always been a good actress, and dare I say it, she's nice to look at, too!
Included in the end, is finally a sexual encounter between Tommy pistol's "Gabriel" and Ashley Lane's "Jane Doe". This comes about when first, "Jane Doe" makes her presence felt, as Gabriel is depressed and all alone late at night at his place . Additionally, near the end of the film with "Jane Doe" making her presence known again, she capitalizes on it, finally getting her man. in my opinion, I felt that the sex was secondary to the great storytelling and acting. That is how good this thing, is as a whole.
So, just to sum it up. Would I recommend this scene to you? Most definitely. This is definitely one of those things that you show your friends when they say that they cannot take porno seriously. Why? Because this scene from ADULT TIME, is definitely one that is serious. Great acting, especially from that of Tommy Pistol. There is also great storytelling with an ending that is for the most part pleasing. Be sure to check this one out. Here, the spotlight was on Ricky Greenwood, who here definitely takes the opportunity to show us his strengths as a filmmaker!