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      I'll give this one a overall of a 6.5. The vid was not bad by ANY means, but NOT what I was expecting.... Devin is in all but 2 scenes, but she only participates fully in 1, and the rest she's either helping out or in the background :( The sex was decent in the boy/girl scenes...the girl/girl sex was OK, some was better than others. All the people seemed to like doing' what they did and enjoyed it as well. As a side note my g/f liked this vid more than I did, but she said she would have given it a 7 overall.
Scene 1
      Devinn and Lezley. To start things off Devinn and Lezley Zen are Marines. The sex here was good, I enjoyed this scene, but could have been a bit more heat with a guy in the scene. This is also the only scene were Devinn FULLY participates.
Scene 2
Asia Carrera, Devinn Lane, Randy Spears
      Devinn, Asia and Randy. This is my favorite scene in the movie. Asia as the main female in this scene. The sex was GREAT here, you can clearly see Asia is on top of her game, STILL, and does a GREAT head job on Randy while Devinn quietly watches in the background. SEE THIS ONE!
Scene 3
Nicole Sheridan, Voodoo
      Nicole and Voodoo. Devinn opens the scene but is not IN the scene at all. The sex here was REALLY good, a close second to scene 2. Again here a GREAT BJ takes place and Nicole really knows how to talk on camera while performing, GOOD scene, I recommend this one ALMOST as much as I do the previous scene.
Scene 4
      Devinn, Lola, Angelica and Pat. Well here is another scene where Devinn is in it but NOT IN it. Pat fucks Lola and Devinn helps keep her lubed with spit, eats her out and things of that nature. I have no clue what Angelica was paid to do in this scene, but all she did was SIT in the background and play with her tits.....This scene was OK at best, nothing special.
Scene 5
      Devinn, April and Tanya. This would have been a better scene if it was more of a orgy than a vibrator fuck scene and if Devin and April were more involved. This was another OK scene with minimal heat to it, but was a nice little break from boy/girl scenes.
Scene 6
Monica Mayhem, Brad Armstrong
      Monica and Brad. This is another scene where Devinn opens the scene but is NOT IN the scene. This was a hot scene, but not quite on the level scene 2 and 3. Monica looks to have good fun here with Brad and Brad seems to have a BLAST fuckin Monica on/in the "Official Wicked Pictures Car". Good scene...
Scene 7
      Devinn is the only one in this scene. This was a surprisingly hot solo scene. I actually enjoyed this one. Using 2 vibes and that's it....nice sounds with minimal music...Nice solo scene Devinn/Wicked!!
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