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Posted: May 09, 2012
Reviewer: Terry (PL)
Reaction: Enjoyable
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      This one gets a 6.00. I was on the fence about this site really, it was provided to be reviewed with a few other sites, but it's a site that's clearly "dead". According to the site, it's last update was in April 2004, and Alexa's latest update she lets her fans know she's going into retirement. Moreover, the site suffers from being very "SD" in an online world driven by HD content. As for the ascetics, those feel dated as well with no search feature and a pretty basic overall feel. Alexa is a very attractive girl, but it's hard to recommend this site, but if she really does it for you, I'd suggest a one month access purchase only.
Scene 1 screenshot for Scene 2 screenshot for Scene 3 screenshot for Scene 4 screenshot for Scene 5 screenshot for Scene 6 screenshot for Scene 7 screenshot for Scene 8 screenshot for Scene 9 screenshot for Scene 10 screenshot for Scene 11 screenshot for Scene 12 screenshot for
      Being an affiliate of FTV, based on their popularity, I decided to see if they were interested in a site review. Much to my happiness, they were, and not only granted me access to, but also granted me access to all their sister sites; is one of them.

As soon as you log in, you are directed to the main page, which is a listing of all the updates to the site. There's a link bar that points you to the updates, which I just went over, then there's a ling to an area where you can learn more about Alexa and how to contact her. Additionally, there's a page that houses a small amount of fun pics (candid pics/ web cam pics) and some wall papers. The candid pics were cool, a decent amount of them too, some were of her as a baby, some were her around 15/16 and then some were more recent. Moreover, there were some "friends videos", which were more or less links/access to three girls' videos in the FTV site. But this is prefaced on the page and it's not as if they are being "sold" as exclusive scenes. Lastly there's "Alexa's Pics", which is a collection of pictures of her, basically her favorite pics from her various photo shoots on the site.

So, as you may have guessed, the meat and potatoes of the site is on the updates page. There were 60 "Chapters", but several consisted of multiple updates, for example there was a Chapter 6 I and Chapter 6 II. There were 108 sets in total, some being just photo shoots, some being just video and most being a mix of both. The updates seemed to start in the upper right hand of the page and worked from right to left down the page.

Digging into the "updates" themselves, there was almost always a combination of a photo set and a video set, but occasionally there were updates with just one or the other. Additionally, each set is accompanied by some test that seems to come from Alexa herself. Going into the photo set portion of the chapter, there were a list of thumbnails that consisted of the set, then there was a link to download the set as a zip. Unfortunately though, there were no different size options. Over to the videos, there were several screen captures that highlighted the video clip as a whole, then links (it was cut into chunks) to the clip. Unfortunately, the clips were only available in WMA and DivX formats, with the WMVs resolution at 640x480 and the DivX resolution at 352x256. The speeds I got for downloads were good though, getting between 850 and 900 KBPS.

So with that, here's some of the wonderful sights I seen inside the site.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
Retirement statement
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