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Director: Cathy Craving
Posted: May 02, 2018
Reviewer: Terry (PL)
Reaction: Very Good
      I've been watching Cathy's movies for a long while now and never reviewed the site, and recently I was granted access to check out the new re-design. I'll admit, it's been a while and the feeling of the old site wasn't fresh in my mind, but it feels different than I recall. The site still had a bit of a dated feel, but really, the content is king in my eyes, and Cathy has some great content. Of course, I'm a little biased, she focuses on creampies, my favorite! I also like the fact she does all her own work (well she and Peter), fucking "the average joes" and pulling in "the girls next door" to get naughty with them. I find it all really refreshing, honestly. While the site isn't perfect, I love the content, and I'd recommend it for every creampie lover, Cathy is undoubtedly the queen of creampies!
Cathy Craving, Peter Craving
Scene 1 screenshot for Scene 2 screenshot for Scene 3 screenshot for Scene 4 screenshot for Scene 5 screenshot for Scene 6 screenshot for Scene 7 screenshot for Scene 8 screenshot for Scene 9 screenshot for Scene 10 screenshot for Scene 11 screenshot for Scene 12 screenshot for
      Inside the members are you are placed in the "home" area which presents you with a "Whats' New", "Latest News", "Latest Polls" and a "Most Recently Added Scenes" sections; all of are self-explanatory. Focusing on the navigation, there were a lot of things so I think it's easier to do a list:
  • "Coming Soon" - A list of upcoming scenes (no dates) and a list of the several latest updates - Videos, pictures and Diary entries
  • "Girls / Guys" - An alphabatized list of the ladies who have appared in the many videos along side Cathy & Peter - And of course (at the very bottom) a link to the guys.
  • "Creampies" - A listing of just creampies from Cathy's movies. Some from Cathy, some from some of the other ladies.
  • "Backstage" - Behind the scenes clips from scenes on the site, not a lot only 8 of them as of now. All were focused on the girls (not Cathy).
  • "Peter's Page" - A sub page to hold things like how Peter (and Cathy) met some of the girls and Q&A.
  • "Vintage" - Smaller clips of Cathy's early action
  • "Extras" - A list of extra movies, partner sites, web friends, ect. Really a mishmash of things.
  • "Help" - Self exaplanitory

The core of the site, of course, was Cathy and her creampies... And there was a LOT of them! Granted not all of the videos are cream pies, Cathy does some Bukkake and girl/girl scenes, but there were 620 movies! They were all varied in length, ranging from 15 minutes or so all the way up to 70 minutes or so! There may have been even higher run-times, but that's a pretty good cross-section, with most of them landing in the 20 to 30-minute range.

Each movie had an "About This Scene" areas, setting up the scene, which looked to be written by Peter, but also having the "Who" that was in the scene, along with the categories covered. The "Who" could be light sometimes, never calling out a name of the girls and some of the guys. Often the guy's names were only mentioned in the about area, a shame. Although, I do understand it's tough to call out dudes when there's 21 of them . Also, each scene had an area to give feedback on the scene. It was a multiple choice, and every scene had the same questions, but they were isolated to that scene. So no matter how you answered on scene 1, on scene 100 (and you didn't rate it), it would be open to "vote" on. Additionally, there was a section for the pictures (if there were any, and most had some). You could click on any one of them for a large size of the photos, or do a slide show - there was also the option to download them in zip format (large and small). Finally, the movie was presented in 2 formats (MP4 & WMV) and 3 sizes (720, 540 and "small").

LOTS of cream pies!
Fun amature porno
A lot of scenes
Exclusive content
Ability to vote on scenes - kind of...

No search ability
Inability to interact with others (actual post/reply system - comments)
Slow updates - about 1 per week
Slightly expensive entry fee - $25 a month (but about $8 if you do a year up front)
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