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Posted: September 01, 2012
Reviewer: Terry (PL)
Reaction: Enjoyable
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      This one gets a 6.00. I struggled with the score on this site. It really feels like a barebones thing, but the quality is there, it just doesn't come often enough. The latest update from July! As cute as Sunny is and as much as I like her enthusiasm, I just can't recommend this site for anything more than a month at 30 bucks, because a reoccurring membership would be a waste of money. It simply won't take you long to get through her entire library. Hopefully Sunny and her site start updating more often...
Scene 1 screenshot for Scene 2 screenshot for Scene 3 screenshot for Scene 4 screenshot for Scene 5 screenshot for Scene 6 screenshot for Scene 7 screenshot for Scene 8 screenshot for Scene 9 screenshot for Scene 10 screenshot for Scene 11 screenshot for Scene 12 screenshot for Scene 13 screenshot for
      With its bright and colorful presentation, along with its name, you can guess this is a teen site. And a damn cute one at that. Her adorable smile, tight, flexible body got me interested quick.

Inside the site, the navigation was average at best. There was no search options, but with so little content, there isn't any needed; everything fit on one page. The site featured movies and picture sets of Sunny, which was the heart and soul of the site. Unfortunately though, as mentioned before, there wasn't a lot to work with here. Only 17 movies and 25 pictures sets, and most of those picture sets were screens from the movies. The videos were nice quality (1280x720) and the pictures were quality as well. If there was one thing Sunny focused on, I would say it was straight up sex with a guy. Although she did do a good amount of solo with one girl/girl scene and one anal one. Although I wasn't overly impressed with the g/g offering, her anal outing was very good!

Sunny! (of course 😉)
Quality of videos/pictures
Number download options

Amount of content
Frequency of updates
Quality of the "other" things on the site: eg. Stories, FAQs and Bonus sections No way to leave feedback to Sunny or the site on the scenes
No update schedule
No Streamable videos

Site technical details:
Site started: September 2011 (based on the earliest update I could find)
Download speeds: 2.0MB/sec
HD Videos: 1280x720 with the bitrates between 6000 and 8000
Video File Types: WMV, FLV, MP4 Photos: 180k (avg.) and offered in ZIP format for download.
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