Kelly was nice enough to ask me to review her foot fetish site she ran in addition to her site As I
said in that review, Kelly is smokin' hot, so when she asked, there was no way I was going to say no... With that said, this site obviously wasn't the exact same as her other site. And by the
looks of this site, she does get into feet. Or at least knows she's got a good fan base in that fetish. Myself, I'm not so much into feet. There're OK I guess, when they are attached to a
hot chick, such as Kelly, but otherwise I generally don't pay attention to them. Unless there's a focus specifically on them. So with that, here's my take on the site. Upon entering the site,
we are treated to 41 videos, all on one page with Kelly as the star for most of them, but she's got some "friends" videos in there as well. And just like her other site, all for you
downloading pleasure. All the videos up to September 30th of 2008, with the exception of her friends videos (who's videos vary in resolution), you get two size options; Low Speed (320x240)
and High Speed (640x480). Anything before that, you only get the lower size. However the "one size only" vides from Kelly are limited to like 10, and that's because the site is so new, May
of 2008 according to the first posted video. Download speeds, I was good on, plenty fast, in the 300K range, again just like her other site.
As for picture content, there isn't an over abundance, but I know it's because the site is newer. But there's only 34 galleries with Kelly, most normal pic set, but some were screen shot pics
from some of her videos. For example, this one was from her latest video post. However there was also 10 galleries of her friends, all normal pic sets, but some of the girls I knew. In fact
one was from one of my favorite porn girls, Darryl Hannah! Again I'm no foot guy, but looking through a few of the galleries of each, I didn't feel Kelly focused on her feet as much as he
could. Now don't get me wrong, I actually liked most of the non-feet specific shoots the best, but in the faith of the site, I didn't think they were focused enough. Although I was happy to
see a lot of the pictures came in a smaller resolution, as well as
a larger resolution too (see the drop down box for the size?).
However, I wish there had been some zip downloads of the pic sets.