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      I had moderately high hopes for the site, after all it's a studio that's been around a while, so they would know the value of quality, right? Ehhh, not so much. While there were a lot of movies, about 630 of them, but as mentioned earlier, most of them are either not in HD or are so badly interlaced they aren't watchable. Interlacing is an issue that just seems very avoidable. Couple that with a peeve of mine, fake cream pies... Every scene that was tagged to have them, MOST were faked. I'll never understand this practice, and it did nothing but sour my experience. The site didn't lose major points for it, but it was irritating enough to me I felt the need to mention it. I need to check out some of the newer movies to see where those land though. The sites speeds were OK, it didn't ever top out my download speed (300Mbps), but I did have some loading issues; the pages loaded rather slowly. So, overall, I felt the site as a whole was a bit lack luster. If you can find a deal on a membership, I've seen between $8 and $10 bucks, I'd say bite and check it out for a month, but anything beyond $9 would say you are overpaying since there are lots of sites out there offering memberships for about $10 (HardX, Elegant Angel, and Reality Kings to name a few).
Scene 1 screenshot for Scene 2 screenshot for Scene 3 screenshot for Scene 4 screenshot for Scene 5 screenshot for Scene 6 screenshot for Scene 7 screenshot for Scene 8 screenshot for Scene 9 screenshot for Scene 10 screenshot for Scene 11 screenshot for Scene 12 screenshot for
      Inside the site, you are placed in the thick of things, with a listing of the latest scenes and the latest DVDs. A direct approach and one I appreciate. There was a navigation bar to dive deeper, looking at just the videos or just photos, along with a listing of categories, models and DVDs. There were also a couple options to Buy DVDs, which was an external link to AdultDVDEmpire and another external link to The scenes were listed in 2 manners, the most recent and top rated, along with allowing you to filter them down by category. Photos looked almost identical to the videos, but were videos The categories were listed alphabetically or by top rated, with an accompanying picture to show what that category was - a nice touch. Finally, the models were listed by default by most popular, but also allowed you to sort them by how recent they have been added, and to further filter them down by their first name (alphabetically).

Now, on to the core of the site, the scenes (movies). When you loaded a scene, the movie automatically started to play, which I wasn't a fan of at all. I would much prefer them to play when I evoked it, or at least allow it to be configurable in the user settings. Additionally, there were no stream setting options - meaning you couldn't set what stream quality you wanted... There was also a download link, giving you "Stream Video", "Mobile Video" and "Hq Video" as options. I'll talk about the video quality later... Anyway, each scene also lists the model(s) in the scene, along with when it was added, a descriptions about the scene and what DVD it's from; something I really liked since more often than note I would go looking for the related scenes. This made that a lot easier, because if you clicked on the link you were treated to a larger DVD cover and all the scenes for that movie. Most of the movies also offered up a link to the scene photos, which was a gallery with a link to download the zip of all the pics. Additionally, there were options to add it to a playlist and/or to your favorites list.

So about that video quality... All videos back from now back until about mid 2014, looked pretty good. There were some issues with the video quality, but nothing major and nothing that couldn't be over looked. However, those older ones, looked like hell; there was some very heavy interlacing going on in the videos. I tried several player and several settings to negate some of this but couldn't. The best I could get is in one of the screenshots below (one with deinterlacing on, one without it on). Although the videos were marked "HD", but it was hard to see them that way...
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