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Posted: August 24, 2017
Reviewer: Terry (PL)
Reaction: Very Good
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      This site is focused on two things - anal and high quality. It focuses a lot on cream pies too.😉 All of which are really great things to focus on, in my eyes, and those are exactly the reasons you should be interested in this site. The site's group (PornPros) has been around a little while now and has a bevy of special sites under its belt, and all are well done, so it's no real surprise to me this site is so well done. My biggest draw was the cream pies, honestly, but I'm an anal sex fan - which is what initially drew me to check the site out. With a list of girls, that's that I consider premo chicks, I see this site having a big audience. I'm quite happy to have gotten the chance to check it out, and it's an easy recommendation from me!
Scene 1 screenshot for Scene 2 screenshot for Scene 3 screenshot for Scene 4 screenshot for Scene 5 screenshot for Scene 6 screenshot for Scene 7 screenshot for Scene 8 screenshot for Scene 9 screenshot for Scene 10 screenshot for Scene 11 screenshot for Scene 12 screenshot for
      This site is in the PornPros network, so check out some reviews of their sites here. When you log in you are treated to a large scrolling banner about the "Platinum Access", which unlocks all the sites for one price. WHile it's not that bad of a deal, really, I wasn't too pleased to have it so prominent and un-avoidable. There was also a navigation bar that allowed you to go to the scenes (of course), as well as the girls featured on the site and your favorites (scenes/girls). Additionally, there was a link for live cams and deals. Anyway, still on that main page, there was then a list of the last 6 scenes, the most popular 6 scenes and then the latest network scenes and the most popular network scenes.

There was a good amount of scenes, just over 80 at the time of writing this, which has been accumulating since early 2016. However, the update schedule is a bit slow for my taste - once a week. Anyway, when you get to the listing of scenes, you could sort them in various ways, for example, sorting them from most viewed, or narrowing the date the movie was posted (like "This month" - which gave you all the scenes posted this month). Of course, you could do a good old fashioned text search as well.

Like the landing page, there was a big nasty ad at the top of each scene, which was a animated, showing a few random chicks available for cam shows. Annoying... Anyway, each scene was streamable, with the ability to select your desired quality, as well accompanying photos (downloadable in zip format), screencaps, a trailer and download options. And there were splenty of download options... 480/720/1080/4k in MP4, along with 720 in WMV. Additionally, there was a spot to allow the users to leave comments and to improve on that, they also allowed you to up vote or down vote the comment! Each video also had the ability to rate the video on a scale of 1 to 10, and the ability to give it one a few different "like" icons.

Over on the girl's tab, it was very similar to the movies. However, I had a few grievances. Mostly around the fact on the scenes, you could see the rating, and it made sens to the ordering of the scenes based on that score. However the girls had the same ability to "sort by popular", and there was no way to see "how popular" the girls were. All you could tell is it was a separate sorting from the previous. A rather minor grievance though, honestly... Anyway, each girl's page listed her scenes, but that's about it. The only thing the page added was giving you the title of the last update the girl was in and the ability to play it, right there. Some more info on them would have been nice.

All HD scenes - and 4k scenes!
Exclusive scenes
High quality scenes
Pretty deep comment/like mehcanisms

Too many ads
Streams only have 2 options - high and low
Listing the "network scenes" on the landing page (or anywhere) could confuse a user.
Only 1 update a week
Expensive entry fee - $30 a month.
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