With movies and pictures, the newer ones were first, but you could change that sorting to your liking (by name, older additions first, top views and top rated), along with adding filters, tags and categories to further filter down what you are looking for. Models weren't quite as robust, but worked, allowing you to view all models by most popular, rating, latest, number of updates and by name.
Each model page had a detailed look at them, giving us her total number of photos, total time in videos, height and the rest of the stats and of course her bra size

The picture sets were pretty standard. Most offering up the ability to look at or download (zip) sets based on size. The newer sets offered "3000", "1600" and "800" as options for viewing and download. You could also do a slide show, but I didn't see a way to change the time each photo was displayed. Additionally, you were able to comment on the set, and I did like how some sets had the Q&A of the model while others had things the model said about things in the shoot.
The movie's which is the heart and soul of the site (in my option) were pretty good. Each movie/scene is downloadable and stream-able, pretty standard stuff, and were offered in a variety of sizes and formats. A lot of options for the newer (pre 2012 or so) with 2 file formats (MP4 and WMV) and 3 sizes (1280x720, 640x360 and 320x240). Additionally, they also all you to download the movie in clips, broken down by type and size, and normally broken up into 5 parts. As far as streaming goes, they offered up a few different options for quality. Most newer ones had 360, 480, 720 and 1080, but some older ones were offered just 720 and 1080. For example, one scene had the options to download HD MP4/HD WMV at 1280x720, MP4/WMV 640x360 and a WMV 320x240, but only offered the 1080/720 to stream. I was further confused by the fact there was no 1080 download option, since scenes offered a 1080 stream. Overall though the streaming option was a little sketchy in my eyes because I ran into some usability issues. First it took several seconds to get the movie initialized and playing, and then moving/skipping about in the stream was pretty laggy. Also, you couldn't change the stream quality until after the stream started. I thought at first that lag was my connection, but I tried it on several different movies and speed tested my connection and I was getting full bandwidth (over 200 Mbps), so maybe it's the player? Moreover, I didn't like the fact I couldn't get to the related photo set if there was one (and most of the time there was one). I know they are sometimes released on the site at separate times, but they certainly seem like they could be tied together after the fact. Finally, each scene allowed the user to leave a comment, and I did like each movie had a synopsis area; although sometimes it was used to give a Q/A with the girl.