In the site, you could tell it was a part of the umbrella, it had the same look and overall feel of
BrattySis, offering no real benifits over the other sites other than possibly
the content. Regardless, this wasn't a bad thing. The site is very easy to navigate and is highly functional - some pretty key things for a site's look and feel. So to
keep things breif, chek out the reivew for, whoch lays out the
site's feel. So lets jump into the Likes/Dislikes.
Customizable video and photo settings
Exclusive content
Fun scene setups
Several download/stream options
Focused on shows I liked/enjoied a lot
Limited content - only 38 scenes at the tiome of this review (some of which are duplicates)
Slow updates, 1 a week
A little expensive at the monthly subscription level - cheaper the longer you go.