There were several girls, 70 to my count. Each girl had a varying amount of "episodes" or clips, with some only having 3 and some having 60+, like Laura Brookes. I have nothing against Laura, but I would have liked to have seen more models vs. a focus on one. Although, admittedly, she did receive a lot of cream pies... Something I take a liking to and they were all over the site. A very welcome addition since it's a "girlfriend" site.
There were a lot of videos too over 330 from my count, and all technically sound. Some older ones were 720, but the rest were all 1080. Also, some were taken from other ATK sites, like Natural & Hairy and Premium. Not really an issue, but I thought noteworthy. I didn't like the fact there were no photo sets, but I guess that plays into the experience thing, but still, some would have been nice. The updates were pretty good, getting one or two updates a day, but they were odd. They didn't seem to correlate, often breaking the "girlfriend experience". I found myself waiting for several days of updates so I could watch one more organically - as if I were a normal member. The "bonus" scenes were interesting, but they kind of got lost in the mix, being scattered amongst the set updates, and that also leads back to those broken up updates from an "experience/series".
From the movies listing, you could click on a download option right there (1 mobile option, 2 standard options and 1 HD option), or you could go into the scenes page. That gave you the chance to download it as well (same options), along with streaming it in one of 3 varieties (SQ, HQ, or HD). Additionally, this gave a more detail about the scene. Mainly a description and the tags of the scene.
Quantity of content.
The ability to leave rate and leave comments on the episodes
A good mixture of "well known" and newbie girls
Good amount of cream pies (my count, 51)
Daily updates
Download/Steaming speeds and options
A Favorite system - although very basic, very effective.
Very advanced search
Exclusive content
How the updates are released (too far apart)
No picture sets
Bonus material mixed in with normal material