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Posted: February 23, 2015
Reviewer: Colon Pounder
Reaction: Enjoyable
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      As a consumer, I think that I would most likely subscribe to this web site for a month and download everything that I could and let my subscription laps. Its content is desirable, however it doesn't come out quickly enough to justify a monthly subscription. I then probably re subscribe a year later and get that years content. It’s worth checking out, to see the highly talented girls destroy their assholes, of that I have no doubt. I just wish they had more girls that I've never seen before.
      This web site is dedicated to destroying girls pussies and assholes, something that is near and dear to my heart. They have both, professional ladies such as, chastity Lynn and Isabella Clark which can be a draw for some people. However for me, I much prefer the girls that they just find on the street. It is a much bigger turn on when a girl you've never seen before destroys her holes in the most spectacular manner possible. However, though the penetrations are spectacular, the production value is not. They mostly deal in extremely brightly lit sets sometimes with red backgrounds that leave the girls assholes looking somewhat like pulverized meat which I don’t particularly care for.

Now that you know a little bit about the content let’s talk about the sites functionality. The website has a beautify designed home menu with scrolling girls and beautiful thumbnails. However when you get past the pay wall the website takes a sudden and minute drop in quality, nothing too big but it could be improved upon. You can sort by date and rating as well as average views, pick vaginal or anal making it easy to pick what you’re in the mood for. There is a favorites feature allowing you to have easy access to videos that you've favorite which can come in handy when you need to jack off fast and get back to your daily responsibilities.

The content and premise of this website I find to be fascinating, when I first stumbled upon this site and saw a clip of one of the girls sticking a large horse dildo up her ass I assumed it was cg, but my ignorance became quite apparent upon further inspection. Their assholes just don’t quit and neither does their content. They update their content once a week from what I can gather, which is more than enough to jack off to, not to mention their other affiliate sites that you get access to such as huge strap-on lesbians, dildo machine sex, brutal fisting, anal dildo lesbians and about ten others with similar content.
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